
Unlock your true vitality

I offer a wide range of services for individuals and corporate clients to help improve your health.

Shona Kennedy Nutritional Therapist

1:1 Consultations

An initial consultation is the first step on your journey to better health. This is a stand-alone appointment which provides detailed insights into your current health symptoms and what initial steps you need to take. For detailed information on what is included in a consultation and how the process works please visit my How I Work page.

Case review and initial consultation (90 minutes plus research) £197

Follow-up appointments (45 minutes, plus research) £90

For more complex cases a package will be the most suitable option. If a package is agreed as the best way forward, the cost of the stand-alone consultation will be deducted from the package price. 


8 week package £395

  • Case review and initial consultation
  • Comprehensive personalised nutrition and lifestyle plan
  • Implementation call (30mins)
  • 4 check-in calls (totalling 2hrs to be taken across the 8 weeks)
  • Plan adjusted and tailored accordingly as you progress 
  • Email support throughout

12 week package £497

  • Case review and initial consultation
  • Comprehensive personalised nutrition and lifestyle plan
  • Implementation call (30mins)
  • 6 check-in calls (totalling 3hrs to be taken across the 12 weeks)
  • Plan adjusted and tailored accordingly as you progress 
  • Email support throughout

Please note functional testing and supplements (if required) are separate costs not included in the above pricing.

Functional Testing

Functional testing can be a really useful tool and helps unlock key details to your health. Testing is not needed for everyone and any tests recommended are entirely dependent on the information gathered at your initial consultation and how the journey unfolds as we work together.

Testing can be an investment and is an area where fees can add up however, often a client will only require one or two tests, if at all. 

Workplace Wellness

Help your team to feel energised and inspired

Workplace nutrition events and corporate wellbeing days are popular with many organisations who want to support the health and wellbeing of their workforce. There is no question that healthier and happier employees are certainly likely to be more effective and productive!

Often employees have a good idea of what they need to do to improve their health but don’t know where to start and struggle to implement new habits. I provide a variety of simple yet effective tips and techniques to arm your employees with the necessary tools to help them take control of their health. 

There’s much more to improving nutrition in the workplace than simply providing a healthy option in the canteen. I offer different ways of working together to suit your place of work and to empower your team with the skills, techniques and knowledge to transform their health and productivity. 

Ways to work together

Nutrition talks

I offer a wide-range of talks and can tailor to what is most relevant to your workplace. Popular topics include ‘Why a Healthy Gut is the Foundation to Good Health’; ‘Good Mood Food’; ‘Become Young at any Age’ and ‘Eating for Energy’. 

Seminars and Webinars

These can be tailored to your organisation to cover your team’s requirements and working environment. Sessions can be delivered as a one-off workshop or you can create a workplace wellness program bespoke to your employees’ needs. 

Pop-up Clinic

Employees can receive bespoke nutrition advice in one of my pop-up nutrition clinics. I offer 30-minute one-to-one health reviews where employees will leave with personalised top-tips and guidance. These can be provided in-person or digitally.

These services can be provided either in-person or via Zoom.

Public Speaking

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